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He familiarized himself with the laboratory by intense focus on "literary inscription", noting that the writing process drives every activity in the laboratory. Latour assumed a scientific perspective in his study observing his participants with the "same cold, unblinking eye" that they use in their daily research activities. The ethnographic study performed by Bruno Latour engaged him in the world of the scientific laboratory to develop an understanding of scientific culture through observations of their daily interactions and processes. He argues that whatever teachers and students do (or not do) whether in their classrooms or beyond it, they are locked in dialogic relations. This statement is also in contrast with views that assume dialogue is a pedagogical instrument that can be turned on and off.

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This conceptualization contrasts with views that dialogic interaction or conversational instruction are more effective instructional means in comparison to, let's say, a more monologic genre of instruction such as a lecture or a demonstration. This statement is in contrast with views that promote dialogic interaction in the classroom as a form of instruction. This is true whether the participants in it, or outside observers of it, realize it or not - and even when the participants are resistant to dialogue. It is not that pedagogy should be dialogic - he rather argues that it is always dialogic. The author came to the decision to embark on this journey into dialogic pedagogy when he firmly realized that education is essentially dialogic.

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